The Eva cu ees The Fac tor y Chil dren The Loll ipop Lady Dre am Mak er The Minot aur Show Wire less Won ders Loll i pop Lady Dre am Mak er Pop per Cut TV Times What ever happ ened to Jim? Popper Cut TV Times | This website lists the songs and musicals for young people published originally by Youngsong Music. Youngsong Music came into existence in the nineteen seventies when Chris Adams and Michael Sullivan were writing songs and sketches for the childrens' television programmes "PLAY SCHOOL" and "PLAY AWAY". They then started writing complete musical plays for young people to perform, and by the late eighties these musicals were being performed by schools and youth groups all over Britain and abroad. The Youngsong catalogue was taken over by Chester Music in 1990, but Chris continued to write and publish independently. All the works now published by Chester Music are listed and described on the "Chester Publications" page, and the musicals written later on the "Youngsong Publications" page. In 2005 Chris started writing one-act plays for the All England Theatre Festival, and a couple of these have won awards in the competition. Chris has also written full length plays, and all these works are available for performance by professional or amateur groups. They are listed and described on the website: | Zoom back to the Tud ors Rom ans Go Home Aus tralia Wir ele ss Won ders Esc ape from Pla net Arp Loll i pop Lady Dream Mak er The Evac u ees The Fact ory Child ren Pop per Cut TV Times What ever Happ ened to Jim? |